Friday, September 7, 2007

Blog # 1

My name is Lusine Azatian. I am 19 years old. I have been living in America most of my life, i moved here when i was five. I was born in Yerevan, Armenia. Almost every armenian name has a meaning or a story behind it. My name means light (luys) and also stands for moon (lusin). I have a mom, dad and an older sister. My sister is married and has her own family, so I live with my mom and my dad. My life changed when my sister had a baby, this was something that I had been waiting for since I can remember. My neices name is Natalie and i adore her. I also have a dog, he is a Shi-tzu and his name is Chiko. I also have a boyfriend of over three years, his name is Arthur and he is a very special person in my life. I have a pretty big family, we are loud and very fun. My friends are like family to me and I love to be with them any chance I get, I have two very close friends and I consider them to be a part of my family. I enjoy being with my friends and family because this is when I feel the happiest. I'm a very easy going person and I love to be optimistic, even though at times I stress myself out and get frustrated over certain things.
I have been attending GCC since Fall 2006, and I love it. I really like this school and everything is very convenient for me. My major at GCC is nursing, and Im very pattionate about someday becoming a Registered Nurse. My goal is to transfer to Cal State LA by next year to pursue my nursing degree.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Its nice to hear how you and your family are close one thing ive kind of noticed admired about armenian culture is how they always look out for one another which i think should be seen a bit more with americanized familys. shitzus are sooo adorable and full of energy i love them, they have the funniest little personalities as well! I can def tell that your very easy going and sweet which is cool becuse allot of people at gcc are kind of high strung and rude :P I also think at our at were are under the most stress especially if you are working and doing school at the same time but itll get better in the end itll all be worth it! I think you make a great nurse ESPECIALLY since you are actually passionate about it everyone nowadays seems to be doing that as a fall back major and making it horrible for people like me when i have to go to kasier and deal with people that dont even care! im sure ill see you doing something with USC medical if i ever have money to afford that kind of insurance hahaha :P! thank you for the sweet comment, my mom finally just saw my hair today ... AND THANK GOD SHE DIDNT FLIP OUT LOL!