Sunday, October 28, 2007

Blog #9

1.) Women and men both had different experiences. “Women decided to leave their homelands and come to the United States for many reasons, some of which they shared with men” (354). People thought that there was a lot of opportunities for jobs in the U.S. and they needed help. People were faced with many issues such as poverty, no opportunities, and poor lives. People that that if they went to America they would become rich and have a better life. Women had their own reasons why they wanted to move and they all did it in different ways. Women wanted to be independent and make their own money. “Southern Italian girls whose families could not provide them with cash dowries immigrated so that they could wed without dowries” (354). This was the case for many women because they wanted to find a man who was financially stable and could take care of them. The Japanese men went back to Japan to find women to marry and they knew each other through photographs and letters. This was called “Shaskin kekkon”. Also women led to prostitution. It was a difficult time for women, and during this time men worked and try to fit in with the Americans to make some money. American men looked at the immigrants as a threat because there were so many of them. The men were just trying to make money for their families to survive.

2.) Everyone basically tried to fight for their own rights in different ways. The industrial protest was for people who were trying to get normal working conditions and fair pay. The populist movement was for women to get equality in their jobs. Since men were being paid more for doing the same job. And also it was about the people who were considered to be poor and need help. Women were very active in the populist movement, they all stuck together. Women who had money and were more a part of the upper class helped with out others during this time and with this they finally got their political power. Houses were also being built to help immigrant women. This was to help the children understand how Americans are and understand more about their culture. These were two different battles, but both fighting for rights.

1.) Adam’s experience was basically about living in a poor area surrounded by people who were all in the same situation. She realized that everyone (neighbors) tried to help each other out because they were all going through the same thing. It was a hard time for people and they all reached out to each other. She says that “the fact that the economic conditions of all alike is on the most precarious level makes the ready outflow of sympathy and material assistance the most natural thing in the world” (382). This was a big help because everyone was trying to survive and making a little money for their families. The problem was that the poor people understood the way that the wealthy people live and sometimes people look their dignity and kindness because of that. People sometimes only care about money when they are in situations like this because they are desperate. People can turn their backs on those who need help to save themselves and their own families.

2.) When Adam’s became a member of the path breaking generation of women college graduatate, her outlook on things really changed. I think she understood more about the people around her. She actually became a stronger person and decided to take action, by being a part of the activists. She was concerned about education and she really wanted to make a difference for people who needed help. She became a powerful leader for women and fought for things she believes in to pass laws and make some changes that she didn’t agree with. She changed as a person for the better.


Ana19 said...


HI lusine jan ,
i have to saY that i enjoyed reading your answers very complete and undrestandably written. I actually agree with you with the whole entire paragraph beacuse basically the things that you mentioned for your first question i had the same thoughts . i totally agree when you mentioned that "This was the case for many women because they wanted to find a man who was financially stable and could take care of them" basically some people like Japanesse women would marry a imigrated person that lived in the United States before them. Specially russian women they would merry a wealthy men so they could have a better living condition and live happy. Also as we both mentioned women had connections with men as in sending pictures and letters to them . i defenataly agree by "Women wanted to be independent and make their own money" they wanted to become their own person and be free in their lives.

For question number 2 i have to say that again whatever you wrote is coorect ;yet, the way i think it worked it was that the populist movement were the ones that were very active and they wanted to have their right as in [ political rights] and also equality. On the other hand for the industrial protest they wanted to have fair and good amount of wage while they were working in the factories. For settlement house movement i have to say that they were actaully the ones who were helping and serving the people that were in need of something like food or clothing . [poors]. anyhow i have to say that this three cathegories they were a little similar to each other beacuse all they wanted was to help and have the life condition that they really wanted to be in.


for your question # 1 we kind of have similiar ideas and i def. agree with both of our answers because while ADDAMS was there living with the people that had bad living situation and she was surrounded in a poor area neighbirhood. && i noticed when yoiu mentioned all the neighbors were trying to help eachother in everyway that they could. You know what the interesting thing that you mentioned and im 100% with you.. was that poor people undrestood the living condition of wealthy people however for rich people it was other way around they didn't know a thing about poors excpet that they had no money. also the lady vistor i dont think she did anything except making them feeling bad. Some people are like that they can turn their backs and never look back of the place that they really came from..

Basically for the last question i have to say that Addam gained streight why? beacuse of working their made her realize how people can be from different classes. As the book mentioned at first she was really depressed while she was living with them. As you said lusine she became a STRONGER women and that the Key word to use. Also she fought for different rights and one was that to she went to pass laws fort a child labor force for all the women society out their so they would take care of their children better and look after them.

Good Job honey ...and keep up the good work, see you in class!!!

BASKIN1 said...

Q1.Lusine, I do agree that immigrant women were more into being independent women rather then American women. I think that they took more pride in their independence and found it easier to be independent then to be dependable. This may have been because they found that it was hard enough for them to support themselves and their children then to support a husband too. Although it was a little easier for women to make money when they had a husband to help support them it was also harder. Women that were married often had to work as well as take care of the home, which added more duties to their already difficult lifestyle.
Q2.Although all of these movements had different meaning it did have a universal meaning, which was to survive. All the circumstances required women to join in order to form a better government for themselves as well as for the future people. They wanted to create opportunities among all genders. Along with this I found that most of these incidents had something to do with the workforce. At the time women were not being paid the same amount of men, which created an issue among women that were trying to be independent and survive without men.
Reading Questions:
Q1.I feel that Addams experience basically was about the poverty lifestyle. Another that she discovered was how women that were usually poorer were ignored by the wealthy. Many wealthy people did not feel that they could associate with the less fortunate, although Addams did find there were some less fortunate people that happen to donate their time in order to promote to their society. The wealthy women who would donate their time would usually do it as if they were performing a selfless act, when in fact they would give use selfish comments towards the poor residents.
Q2.I do agree that Addams experience did allow her eyes to be open to various situations. She was able to learn about the wealthy as well as those that were less fortunate. One of the main things that she discovered was that the wealthy did not help the poor. People that were wealthy usually did not donate money to the poor but did donate their advice. The advice that they would share was that they felt that they were lazy and it was important that they be self sufficient. Although this advice had somewhat truth it was not helpful as well as hypocritical. Most wealthy women were wealthy because they were being supported by someone else, not because of themselves. Addams felt that these women were wrong for telling the poor women something that they were not willing to follow.